Automated Storage and Retrieval System "Auto Lib."

Automated Storage and Retrieval System "Auto Lib."

The major feature of the “Auto Lib” Automated Storage and Retrieval System for books , which has a proven reputation gained from successful installations, is its ability to provide the information required by users quickly and reliably through its efficient storage of massive amounts of books and materials, and its search and storage and retrieval systems.
The free location by book size and double container storage method allow for highly precise storage, which provides high speed storage and retrieval of materials, drastic decrease in storage and retrieval labor and counter work, and improvement of the level of service provided to users.

Component equipment

Stacker cranes
Stacker cranes
Pick up/Return station
Pick up/Return station


Realizes significant space-saving effects.

Use of the free location storage which stores books by size, and the double container method, which halves the required number of stacker cranes, realizes signification space-saving effects. Allows for a 20-30% efficiency increase over storage of a type 1 A4 size container.

Drastic improvement of service to users.

Because this is an Automated Storage and Retrieval System which works in concert with library computer search systems, it allows for accurate and quick provision of target books to users and greatly increases the level service provided to users.

Greatly reduces required labor.

Because the books are retrieved directly from the Pick up/Return station, there is no need at all for work inside the bookshelves, allowing for storage and retrieval work and counter work to be carried out by the same staff. In addition, books of the same size can be returned in batches, which greatly reduces required work. Also eliminates the need for re-shelving.

Rapidly and significantly improves management level.

The Auto Lib Server, which works in concert with library systems, manages storage, retrieval, etc. of books, which allows for real-time monitoring of storage and usage conditions and drastically improvement book management levels.

Book collection inventory system

<When operating using IC tags>

Book collection inventory can be carried out by comparing book information and library data with the IC tags and book images read inside containers immediately after book return.

<When operating using barcodes>

Book collection inventory can be carried out comparing book information and library data inside containers immediately after book return.

Free location storage by size

A tremendous amount of space can be saved because books are divided and stored into 3 types of containers, A5, B5 and A4. Also allows for flexible addition of book collections without the need to divide and rearrange shelves by type.

Automated Storage and Retrieval System "Auto Lib."
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